Van Nuys Airport Newsletter


CD6 Keeps Sherman Way Tunnel in Shape

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CD6 Keeps Sherman Way Tunnel in Shape

The underground of the Sherman Way tunnel has, in the past, been met with attempts at defacing and served as an open space for passersby to litter. Maintaining its cleanliness has been point of concern for our community. With debris along the curbs and graffiti blemishing the walls, it was a poor representation of our greater community and was not conducive to supporting the community’s overall image goals.

Councilwoman Nury Martinez, L.A. City Council District 6, realized the need for maintenance of the tunnel and identified funds for the initial approach to this clean-up project. Martinez has also budgeted for the Sherman Way tunnel’s ongoing care and maintenance. This has resulted in monthly clean-up which includes the clearing of litter and debris from the sidewalks and roadside, and removal of graffiti from tunnel surfaces.

This undertaking is welcomed progress for Van Nuys Airport and our neighbors who have long felt that the tunnel had become a forgotten undercroft and a safety concern. Thanks to this collaborative effort from Councilwoman Martinez’ office, scheduled upkeep is now place to ensure that the Sherman Way tunnel is a safer, cleaner environment for our community.

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