Educational Programs

Due to the impacts of COVID-19, this year's 2020 Aviation Careers Education (ACE) Academy has been canceled. We look forward to hosting the ACE Academy again in the summer of 2021.

As part of a longstanding commitment to the science education of future leaders, Van Nuys Airport (VNY) supports a number of educational initiatives, while encouraging aviation-related career and training opportunities. We hope these efforts will lay the foundation for a bright future for today’s students and enhance the development of an educated, dedicated workforce in decades to come.

  • Adopt-A-School Program
    Airport Adopt-A-School activities include speaking engagements, participation in student career days and involvement in school functions. Each year in December, VNY sponsors a special holiday program at a local elementary school that features a visit from Santa Claus accompanied by some well-known mascots. Event highlights include gifts for all students, live entertainment and drawings for special prizes donated by local retail, recreational and entertainment establishments.
  • Free Aviation Careers Education (ACE) Academy
    Los Angeles World Airports’ Aviation Careers Education (ACE) Academy is open to all middle school and high school students with priority given to students in the neighboring areas of VNY. Students are selected based on desire to learn about aviation. This weeklong motivational program is designed to educate students about airport operations at both VNY and Los Angeles International Airport, as well as career and technical opportunities in the aviation industry.

    Summer 2020:   CANCELLED
    July 6 – 10 Middle School (grades 7th – 9th)
    July 20 - July 24 High School (grades 10th – 12th)
    For application information, please click here or contact the VNY Public and Community Relations office at (818) 442-6526.
  • Job Shadow Day
    Job Shadow Day is an annual program that enables local high school students to observe or “shadow” a workplace mentor through their normal on-the-job activities. The Van Nuys Airport Public and Community Relations team partners with Junior Achievement to match students with airport staff and businesses to experience the variety of careers available in aviation. Did you know you can be a photographer, graphic designer, accounting professional or more at an airport? VNY airport hosts between 30 and 50 students each year.
  • Los Angeles Unified School District Aircraft Mechanics Program
    Housed at VNY, this branch of the North Valley Occupational Center – Aviation Center enables students to earn certification in general airframe and power plant mechanics. The program curriculum, approved by the Federal Aviation Administration, consists of 47 subject areas to prepare students for a wide array of jobs in the aviation-aerospace industry. To learn more about the program, visit
  • Tour and DVD Presentations Programs
    VNY offers free guided bus tours and DVD presentations to school, civic and community organizations/groups on weekdays and select Saturdays. Thousands of children and adults participate in these programs annually. Airports Council International, a leading aviation organization, has rated VNY’s tour program among the top in the country. For more information on VNY’s tour program, click here. Link to full detail
  • Aviation Career Day  CANCELLED
    The Sky is the Limit on Aviation Career Day. Each year, approximately 1,400 high school students come to the airport to learn from experts in the aviation and aerospace industries. There are presentations, demonstrations and exhibits as well as airport tours which run every 30 minutes. Aviation Career Day is held in spring. Aviation Career Day 2019 will be held Thursday, April 23 from  9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • Career Fairs
    Through this program, VNY staff attends career fairs to promote aviation and aviation-related careers.

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