No Early Turn

All Pilots - No Turns Before the Flood Basin Board Resolution No. 25735

Pilot Guide

RWY 16L/16R Traffic Pattern

Printable No Early Turns Poster

To enhance pilot awareness and outreach efforts, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Board of Airport Commissioners formalized the VNY “No Early Turn” procedure by approving Board Resolution No. 25735, on June 18, 2015.  

Since the 1980s, LAWA has distributed pilot information brochures and informally encouraged pilots to adhere to the VNY No Early Turn procedures on a voluntary basis for fixed-wing aircraft. 

The current procedure requests that pilots departing VNY to the south from Runways 16R and 16L fly to the Sepulveda Flood Control Basin before initiating any turns, and thereby avoid flying over homes in adjacent areas southwest and southeast of VNY. For departures to the north from Runways 34R and 34L, the policy requests that pilots reach an altitude of 1800’ MSL before initiating any turns in an effort to reduce the noise level for residences under the flight path unless specifically directed by the FAA Air Traffic Control Tower. The FAA is responsible for controlling all aircraft in flight.

Jet Aircraft Departures
In 1996, LAWA established the No Early Turn Notification Program to reduce jet early turns over neighboring communities to the southwest and southeast of VNY. LAWA worked with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Traffic Organization to revise published standard departure procedures for jets so that they would not initiate turns before they reach the Sepulveda Flood Control Basin. This change resulted in significant reductions to jet early turns – from 99 in 1999 to only 5 in 2014 (0.03% of all southerly jet departures).

Propeller-driven Aircraft Departures
To further improve compliance with the procedure by propeller-driven aircraft, particularly those engaged in circuit training at VNY, LAWA reached out to flight schools, pilots, and other local general aviation airports to raise awareness of LAWA’s No Early Turn procedures. Other outreach efforts include developing pilot awareness material such as flyers and posters for use by various aviation businesses at VNY, and expanding publication of the policy in pilot guidebooks and informational pamphlets. LAWA will conduct ongoing, periodic outreach to maintain and improve awareness of VNY noise abatement policies with stakeholders.


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